Project structure

The following aims to explain the project structure

├── bout_runners            # The project directory
│         ├── config              # Configuration files for paths and logging
│         ├── database            # Package responsible for connect, read, write and create databases
│         ├── log                 # Package responsible for reading BOUT++ logs
│         ├── make                # Package responsible for reading and calling Makefiles
│         ├── metadata            # Package responsible for reading, writing and updating metadata about the runs
│         ├── parameters          # Package responsible for reading and setting parameters
│         ├── runner              # Package responsible for orchestrating executions and metadata
│         ├── submitter           # Package responsible for submitting commands
│         └── utils               # Package containing utilities
├── docker                  # Scripts for building the docker image
│         ├── PBS                # Docker file for PBS (used in tests)
│         └── SLURM              # Docker file for SLURM (used in tests)
├── docs                    # Documentation directory
│         └── source              # Source files for the directory
│             ├── _static         # Static documentation files
│             ├── api             # API documentation
│             └── examples        # Example usage documentation
└── tests                   # Test suite directory
    ├── data                # Static test data
    ├── fixtures            # Fixtures for the tests
    ├── local               # Package containing the tests for local runs
    │       ├── integration    # Local integration tests package
    │       │     └── runners     # Local integration for the runner package
    │       └── unit           # Local unit tests package
    │             ├── database    # Local unit tests for the database package
    │             ├── log         # Local unit tests for the log package
    │             ├── make        # Local unit tests for the make package
    │             ├── metadata    # Local unit tests for the metadata package
    │             ├── parameters  # Local unit tests for the parameters package
    │             ├── runner      # Local unit tests for the runner package
    │             ├── submitter   # Local unit tests for the submitter package
    │             └── utils       # Local unit tests for the utils package
    ├── pbs                 # Package containing the tests for PBS runs
    │       ├── integration    # PBS integration tests package
    │       │     └── runners     # PBS integration for the runner package
    │       └── unit           # PBS unit tests package
    │           ├── runners       # PBS unit tests for the runner package
    │           └── submitter     # PBS unit tests for the submitter package
    ├── slurm               # Package containing the tests for PBS runs
    │       ├── integration    # SLURM integration tests package
    │       │     └── runners     # SLURM integration for the runner package
    │       └── unit           # SLURM unit tests package
    │           ├── runners       # SLURM unit tests for the runner package
    │           └── submitter     # SLURM unit tests for the submitter package
    └── utils               # Utils used for testing